
Air Date: Monday, July 18, 2022
Time Slot: 3:01 AM-4:00 AM EST on SUNDANCE NOW
Episode Title: "Mossville: When Great Trees Fall" (Repeat)
[NOTE: The following article is a press release issued by the aforementioned network and/or company. Any errors, typos, etc. are attributed to the original author. The release is reproduced solely for the dissemination of the enclosed information.]

Monday, July 18th

Mossville: When Great Trees Fall

Mossville, Louisiana: A once-thriving community founded by formerly enslaved and free people of color, and an economically flourishing safe haven for generations of African American families. Today it's a breeding ground for petrochemical plants and their toxic black clouds. Many residents are forced from their homes, and those that stay suffer from prolonged exposure to contamination and pollution. Amid this chaos and injustice stands one man who refuses to abandon his family's land - and his community. (Documentary, 2019)

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