
Air Date: Thursday, September 01, 2022
Time Slot: 8:00 PM-8:30 PM EST on The CW
Episode Title: (#105) "#oleema"
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"#oleema" - (8:00-8:30 p.m. ET) (TV-14, DL) (HDTV)

OH, WHAT A NIGHT! - Reema (Safia Arain) and Oly (Nathalie Morris) try to figure out how their friendship works, now that they have not one significant thing in common. An impromptu girls' night results in unexpected alliances and realizations. The boredom of Angie (Claudia Karvan) and Matias' (Ricardo Scheihing-Vasquez) night at a P&C meeting sets off their growing tension. Angel (Catalina Palma Godoy) makes a move to determine her prospects with Santi (Carlos Sanson Jr.), which leaves Oly with questions about their relationship. The episode was written by Gracie Otto and directed by Mithila Gupta (#105). Original airdate 9/1/2022.

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