
Air Date: Monday, September 26, 2022
Time Slot: 3:01 AM-4:00 AM EST on SUNDANCE NOW
Episode Title: "I Dream in Another Language" (Repeat)
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Monday, September 26th

I Dream in Another Language

An indigenous language is in peril as its last two speakers, Evaristo and Isauro, had a quarrel in the past and haven't spoken to each other in over 50 years. Martín, a young linguist, will undertake the challenge to bring the old friends back together and convince them to once again talk to each other, all so he can obtain a recorded registration of the language and study it. However, hidden in the past, in the heart of the jungle, lies a secret concealed by the language that makes it difficult to believe that the heart of Zikril will beat once again. (Drama, 2017)

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