
Air Date: Monday, November 07, 2022
Time Slot: 10:00 AM-10:15 AM EST on CARTOON
Episode Title: (#109) "Redbird's Bogus Beach Day"
[NOTE: The following article is a press release issued by the aforementioned network and/or company. Any errors, typos, etc. are attributed to the original author. The release is reproduced solely for the dissemination of the enclosed information.]

Monday - Friday

(7:00 a.m. - 11:00 a.m. ET/PT)


Beginning Monday, Nov. 7 at 10:00 a.m. ET/PT

Monday, Nov. 7

"Redbird's Bogus Beach Day" - Redbird gets excited when he learns that Batman and Robin are taking him and Bam for a drive up the coast! But when The Joker and his van Prank show up unexpectedly and ruin Redbird's beach day plans, Bam helps him realize that even though things didn't go exactly as planned, they still had a great day!

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