[08/14/24 - 04:01 AM] Netflix Reveals Launch Date and Debuts First Look Images for Highly Anticipated Swedish Series "The Helicopter Heist" Based on true events, the action thriller series - due on November 22 - tells the story of the meticulous planning, ingenuity, and nerve that went into pulling off one of the most daring crimes in history.
[05/15/24 - 12:32 PM] Netflix Upfront 2024: The Year of Growth and Momentum Two new dramas will also be coming to Netflix: "The Waterfront" from Kevin Williamson, an adult family drama set in a small coastal town with twists and turns inspired by true events, and a contemporary cowboy saga starring Tim McGraw.
[03/18/24 - 09:02 AM] Netflix Announces News About 26 Upcoming Nordic Titles - Including 12 Brand New Titles Plus: the streamer offers new looks at "Deliver Me," "The Helicopter Heist," "Ronja the Robber's Daughter," "Billionaire Island" and season two of "Baby Fever."
[02/01/24 - 05:59 AM] Video: Next on Netflix 2024: The Series & Films Preview In 2024, get ready for what's next... on Netflix.
[03/30/23 - 12:01 AM] Daniel Espinosa and Ronnie Sandahl Team Up for Swedish Netflix Series "The Helicopter Heist" The limited series is based on Jonas Bonnier's novel, adapted to the screen by creator Ronnie Sandahl and directed by Daniél Espinosa.