
    [sunday, february 28, 2016]    
[02/25/16 - 02:00 PM]
Video: Watch the First Look at the Spring Premiere of "Empire"
New episodes resume Wednesday, March 30 at 9:00/8:00c on FOX.

[02/25/16 - 10:10 AM]
Video: Cinemax / "Banshee" Season 4 Trailer & Key Art
The series returns for its eight-episode fourth and final season on Friday, April 1 at 10:00/9:00c.

[02/25/16 - 09:32 AM]
Video: Exclusive First Look at "Taboo" Starring Oscar Nominee Tom Hardy
The first trailer is being released as production continues in London with a major international cast for FX and BBC One.

[02/25/16 - 09:17 AM]
Video: Showtime(R) Embraces the Dark Side with "Penny Dreadful" Season Three Key Art and Official Trailer
The series returns Sunday, May 1 at 10:00/9:00c on the pay channel.

[02/25/16 - 05:36 AM]
Video: Netflix Releases Part Two of "Marvel's Daredevil" Season 2 Trailer
The new season will launch globally on Friday, March 18 at 12:01am PT.

[02/22/16 - 10:07 AM]
Video: MTV Debuts "Teen Mom 2" Season 7 Trailer
The seventh season premieres on Monday, March 21 at 10:00/9:00c.

[02/19/16 - 03:02 PM]
Video: Netflix Debuts Trailer for "Theo Von: No Offense" Stand-Up Comedy Special
The one-hour special will premiere Friday, February 26 and marks Von's first special for Netflix.

[02/19/16 - 08:24 AM]
Video: First Look at "Cameron Esposito: Marriage Material" - Stand-Up Special Debuts March 24 on Seeso
The exclusive special - which Cameron called her own bachelorette party - was filmed just two days before her wedding to Rhea Butcher in her hometown of Chicago.

[02/18/16 - 06:38 PM]
Video: Watch the All-New Promo for "The Passion" Airing Sunday, March 20, on FOX!
Check out the latest tease that aired during tonight's episode of "American Idol."

[02/18/16 - 12:21 PM]
Video: "The Path" on Hulu Trailer (Official)
Starring Aaron Paul, Hugh Dancy, and Michelle Monaghan, "The Path" follows a family at the center of a controversial cult as they struggle with relationships, faith and power.

[02/17/16 - 10:14 AM]
Video: MTV Drops Trailers for "Awkward" and "Faking It"
Both series return on Tuesday, March 15 at 10:00/9:00c and 10:30/9:30c, respectively.

[02/16/16 - 10:00 AM]
Video: Hang On Tight and Check Out the First Look at the New Season of MTV's Iconic Series "Real World: Go Big or Go Home"
This season seven strangers are brought together in Downtown Las Vegas for a wild, adrenaline-filled season that will confront their hopes, fears, and anxieties.

[02/15/16 - 09:00 AM]
Video: Cartoon Network's "The Powerpuff Girls" Is Saving Your Ears Before Bedtime
Check out the revival's extended main title sequence.

[02/15/16 - 05:57 AM]
Video: Netflix Releases Part One of "Marvel's Daredevil" Season 2 Trailer
The new season premieres globally on Friday, March 18 at 12:01am PT.

[02/12/16 - 11:04 AM]
Video: "Confirmation" - Long Lead Tease (HBO Films)
The Kerry Washington-led film premieres Saturday, April 16 on the pay channel.

[02/12/16 - 10:22 AM]
Video: "Veep" Season 5 - Clip Tease (HBO)
The series returns for its 10-episode fifth season on Sunday, April 24.

[02/12/16 - 09:39 AM]
Video: AMC Releases a First-Look Trailer for the Upcoming Mini-Series Event "The Night Manager" Premiering on Tuesday, April 19 at 10 PM ET/PT
Tom Hiddleston, Hugh Laurie, Olivia Colman, Tom Hollander and Elizabeth Debicki star in the project.

[02/11/16 - 01:28 PM]
Video: "Silicon Valley" - Season 3 Tease (HBO)
The pay channel releases the first tease for the new season, premiering Sunday, April 24.

[02/11/16 - 08:23 AM]
Video: Watch Will Arnett in His Brand New Netflix Show "Flaked"
Set in the insular world of Venice, California, "Flaked" centers on Chip, a celebrated self-appointed "guru" who falls for the object of his best friend's fascination.

[02/10/16 - 05:01 PM]
Video: "House of Cards" Season Four Trailer
Kevin Spacey and Robin Wright return in the new season, premiering Friday, March 4 on the streaming service.

[02/10/16 - 11:35 AM]
Video: AMC Releases First Four Minutes of Highly Anticipated "The Walking Dead" Mid-Season Premiere Episode
In addition, Hallmark eCards has partnered with "The Walking Dead" to create unique, original Valentine's Day eCards inspired by the show.

[02/10/16 - 10:28 AM]
Video: Check out the "Broad City" Season 3 Trailer
On February 17, Abbi and Ilana are back with new adventures, new special guests and the same unbreakable bond.

[02/10/16 - 09:48 AM]
Video: Making "Love" - Netflix Reveals Featurette for New Series
The series follows nice guy Gus (Paul Rust) and brazen wild-child Mickey (Gillian Jacobs) as they navigate the exhilarations and humiliations of intimacy, commitment, love and other things they were hoping to avoid.

[02/09/16 - 05:00 PM]
Video: Netflix Releases Official "Fuller House" Trailer
The Fuller House cast goes back home Friday, February 26 in all territories where Netflix is available.

[02/07/16 - 06:53 PM]
Video: CBS Debuts Humorous "CBS All Access" Commercial During "Super Bowl 50"
The 30-second commercial was directed by famed producer/writer/director Peter Farrelly.

[02/07/16 - 06:14 PM]
Video: For the First Time Ever, A Showtime(R) Spot Is Featured in the Super Bowl
The new spot, with music by Grammy(R) and Golden Globe(R)-nominated singer-songwriter Sia, was one of the only streaming service commercials to air during the game.

[02/07/16 - 04:58 PM]
Video: CBS Announces the Final Nine Episodes for "The Good Wife"
The series finale of broadcast television's most acclaimed drama will air Sunday, May 8.

[02/05/16 - 08:31 AM]
Video: David Lynch Executive Produced Netflix Original Documentary - "My Beautiful Broken Brain" Trailer and Key Art
The film follows Lotje's Sodderland's incredible story of rehabilitation and recovery from a traumatic hemorrhagic stroke.

[02/04/16 - 09:13 AM]
Video: First Trailer for the Viceland Series About the Rising Stars in Stand-Up Comedy, "Flophouse!"
Featuring comedians Clare O'Kane, Solomon Georgio, Brandon Wardell (and many other very funny people) and directed by filmmaker Lance Bangs, "Flophouse" is a comedy show with all the comforts of home.

[02/04/16 - 07:14 AM]
Video: Netflix Releases Trailer and Key Art for "Cooked" Alex Gibney and Michael Pollan's New Docu-Series
The series premieres on February 16 at the Berlinale Film Festival in the Culinary Cinema Program, and launches globally on Netflix February 19.

[02/03/16 - 12:48 PM]
Video: TBS's "Full Frontal with Samantha Bee" Takes on the Iowa Caucuses
Check out some special video segments in advance of Monday's premiere.

[02/03/16 - 09:51 AM]
Video: First Look at Viceland's "Weediquette"
Krishna Andavolu hosts the series, which launches Tuesday, March 1 at 11:00/10:00c.

[02/02/16 - 10:19 AM]
Video: First Look at BET's New Series "About the Business" - Starring Eva Marcille & Crystal Renay
The newcomer premieres Wednesday, February 24 at 10:00/9:00c.

[02/02/16 - 09:34 AM]
Video: Sneak Peek at truTV's "Those Who Can't," Premiering Feb. 11 at 10:30
Fans can get a sneak peek of two episodes of the series at truTV.com.

[02/01/16 - 11:26 AM]
Video: First Promo for the Inspirational Live Television Event "The Passion" Airing Palm Sunday, March 20 @ 8/7c on FOX
The telecast will unfold live at some of New Orleans' most iconic locations on Palm Sunday, March 20.

[01/28/16 - 09:04 AM]
Video: Viceland's "Noisey" - An Original Music Documentary Series - First Trailer Released
Host Zach Goldbaum takes a firsthand look at the most interesting music scenes around the world.

[01/27/16 - 11:00 AM]
Video: Watch Jessie J and the Cast of "Grease: Live," In the All-New "Grease (Is the Word)" Music Video!
The official soundtrack album features the show's cast performing classics from the original stage musical and the 1978 Paramount film, plus two original tracks.

[01/27/16 - 10:09 AM]
Video: Viceland's "Balls Deep" Hosted by Vice's Thomas Morton - First Trailer Released
The series follows the Vice producer and correspondent as he perfects his version of immersive journalism, embedding himself into the lives of others to experience what life looks like from their point-of-view.

[01/27/16 - 08:41 AM]
Video: Amazon Studios' "The New Yorker Presents" Premieres on February 16
As with the pilot, new episodes will bring the pages of the magazine to life, drawing upon the reporting, fiction, humor, poetry, and cartoons that distinguish The New Yorker.

[01/26/16 - 09:53 AM]
Video: Viceland Releases First Trailer for New Series "Gaycation"
Launching February 29, Viceland features series examining all things culture, including music, food, technology, sex, fashion and more.

[01/26/16 - 09:03 AM]
Video: Netflix Releases "Fuller House" Featurette Video
Here is a look behind-the-scenes from the cast about what it was like to reunite 20-years later on the original set to make "Fuller House."

[01/25/16 - 09:18 AM]
Video: "Animals." Season 1 - Trailer (HBO)
The animated adult television series kicks off its 10-episode season Friday, February 5.

[01/25/16 - 06:36 AM]
Video: Watch the All-New Trailer for "The X-Files," Featuring Footage from the Entire Event Series
The series settles into its regular Monday, 8:00/7:00c time period tonight on FOX.

[01/24/16 - 06:43 PM]
Video: Watch the All-New Promo for "Empire" That Just Aired During the NFC Championship Game
The juggernaut returns for the remainder of its second season on Wednesday, March 30.

[01/22/16 - 03:14 PM]
Video: "Game of Thrones" - Season 6 Battle Banner Teases
Stark, Lannister and Targaryen are among the featured families.

[01/22/16 - 02:49 PM]
Video: WGN America Releases First Look Featurette for Original Escape Thriller "Underground" Premiering March 9 at 10 PM ET/PT
The first look at "Underground" will air during the season one premiere of WGN America's newest original drama "Outsiders," premiering January 26.

[01/21/16 - 01:36 PM]
Video: Supertrailers for VH1's "Stevie J & Joseline Go Hollywood" & "K. Michelle: My Life"
Look for both series back-to-back beginning this Monday, January 25 at 9:00/8:00c.

[01/21/16 - 10:04 AM]
Video: All New Trailer Released for Steven Soderbergh's New Starz Limited Series "The Girlfriend Experience" in Advance of Premiere at Sundance Film Festival
The series is executive produced by Steven Soderbergh, Philip Fleishman, Lodge Kerrigan, Amy Seimetz, Gary Marcus and Jeff Cuban and stars Riley Keough.

[01/20/16 - 10:33 AM]
Video: "Jim: The James Foley Story" Trailer (HBO Documentary Films)
The film is billed as "a harrowing chronicle of bravery, compassion and pain at the dawn of America's war with ISIS."

[01/20/16 - 10:21 AM]
Video: "Girls" Season 5 - Promo #1 (HBO)
Plus: check out the key art for the new season, premiering Sunday, February 21 on the pay channel.

  [february 2016]  

(series past and present)
(series in development)
(tv movies and mini-series)

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[01/14/25 - 11:01 AM]
Video: "Apple Cider Vinegar" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Two young women advocate for wellness remedies to cure deadly illnesses, unraveling their lives as they unknowingly - and knowingly - mislead the world.

[01/14/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "The Witcher: Sirens of The Deep" - Official Trailer - Netflix
When human sailors are attacked by mysterious creatures of the deep, only one person can stop the war between land and sea: the Witcher, Geralt of Rivia.

[01/14/25 - 06:32 AM]
Video: "Anuja" - Sneak Peek - Netflix
"Anuja" tells the story of a gifted nine-year-old girl, alongside her sister Palak, as they work in a back-alley garment factory.

[01/14/25 - 06:05 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Unveils the Charming Trailer for the Second Season of "Eva the Owlet," Premiering Globally Friday, January 24
Based on The New York Times bestselling Scholastic book series "Owl Diaries" by award-winning author Rebecca Elliott, the charming show invites kids and families to return to the whimsical woodland world of Treetoppington alongside Eva and her friends.

[01/14/25 - 05:01 AM]
Video: "Back in Action" - Jamie Foxx, Cameron Diaz - Official Trailer - Netflix
Years after giving up life as CIA spies to start a family, Emily (Cameron Diaz) and Matt (Jamie Foxx) find themselves dragged back into the world of espionage when their cover is blown.

[01/14/25 - 12:01 AM]
Video: "Celebrity Bear Hunt" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Holly Willoughby hosts this competition show set in the Costa Rican jungle, where 12 celebrities become prey for legendary survival expert, Bear Grylls.

[01/13/25 - 07:01 PM]
Video: "I Am Married... But!" - Official Trailer - Netflix
After a meet-cute ends in a whirlwind romance, a couple must learn to navigate the messy reality of married life that's nothing like a fairy tale ending.

[01/13/25 - 11:08 AM]
Video: "Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue" (MGM+ 2025 Series) Official Teaser
"Nine Bodies in a Mexican Morgue" follows the tale of nine strangers who find themselves lost in a remote Mexican jungle after their small plane traveling from Guatemala to the U.S.

[01/13/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Castlevania: Nocturne" Season 2 - Official Trailer - Netflix
Aided by the legendary Alucard, Richter and his band of vampire hunters must race to stop powerful Erzsebet from plunging the world into eternal night.

[01/13/25 - 07:03 AM]
Video: Apple TV+ Debuts Trailer for New Conspiracy Thriller "Prime Target"
The eight-episode series will premiere globally on Apple TV+ on January 22, with the first two episodes, followed by one episode weekly every Wednesday through March 5.

[01/13/25 - 01:01 AM]
Video: "Young, Famous & African" - Season 3 Official Trailer - Netflix
Africa's elite are back to the glitz, gossip, and cutting shade of their opulent inner circle, where luxury meets legacy - and drama rules the day.

[01/12/25 - 04:01 PM]
Video: "The Trauma Code: Heroes on Call" - Official Trailer - Netflix
To create a top-tier trauma center, a war-seasoned doctor arrives - bringing his blunt but skilled ways to transform his team into life-saving mavericks.

[01/10/25 - 03:01 AM]
Video: "My Family" - Official Teaser - Netflix
A terminally ill father prepares his chaotic family to care for his two young kids and face life without him - but they must put old quarrels to rest.

[01/09/25 - 01:54 PM]
Video: Hunting Down the Truth - "The Hunting Party" - Trailer - NBC
After an impossible breakout at a top-secret prison, one team must race against time to recapture escaped serial killers who are more dangerous than ever before.

[01/09/25 - 08:01 AM]
Video: "Lucca's World" - Official Trailer - Netflix
Determined to help her son, who has cerebral palsy, Bárbara takes her family to India for an experimental treatment. Based on the book of the same name.